Note to a customer

Important Disclaimer We make sure that all the parcels are perfectly boxed and wrapped with security tapes when they are dispatched from our order-processing unit.

However, it goes through a lot of processes at the courier company’s end before reaching you. We urge you to not accept any damaged shipments, in which case it will be your responsibility if a product is missing. 

We always strive hard to provide the best experience to our customers. However, we have noticed that few users/accounts abuse our liberal returns policy. We urge you to make a unboxing video before opening of any product and 

if you find item in a condition that is Physically damaged, has missing parts or accessories, defective or different from their description on the product detail page on, send us* the unboxing video within 5 hours of product(s) received so that we can investigate the matter at the earliest. Failure of above, no refunds, return/exchange can be processed in such cases.

 Email us

Special Note

- No Return/Refunds/Exchanges: Promotional offers items are not eligible for a return/exchanges or refund.
Once a product is exchanged & delivered, no further actions such as exchange or refund would be applicable on that order